Title sequence research

what is a title sequence?
A title sequence is the method by which films or TV programmes portray the production companies that helped them with filming, the directors name, the producer, the executive producer and the top billing actors, also not forgetting the movie name itself.

What order the titles are in?

  1. studio distributing film
  2. name of production team
  3. producer
  4. director
  5. cast
  6. name of film
  7. casting by
  8. music/composer 
  9. production designer

example of title sequences:  skyfall, James bond
  1. The beginning of the sequence starts of with James Bond walking onto the screen and pointing a gun. There is then a graphic design of blood spilling down the screen which establishes the genre of the film which is action/thriller. Then, appears an image which says 50 years to portray to the audience that James Bond has been showed for 50 years.
  2. The first name in the credits is the top billing actor, Daniel Craig who is the main character The next screenshot is the showing the audience who Daniel Craig plays and portrays the introduction to the title of the film. After the introduction of the main character, the title of the film ‘’Sky Fall’’ is shown after just one actors name to represent the importance of his character. After the title of the film, the rest of the characters are introduces with graphic designs.
  3. After listing all the actors, which usually lasts a minute, the rest of the crew are now shown such as co-producers. The music in the background is Adele, so before the music stops playing, they list the name of the song and who wrote it. Lastly, just before the film starts, the directors name is listed.


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