Analysis of opening sequences

The title sequences that im analyzing is Home alone and se7en.

Home alone : the camera work of a comedy film is naturalistic and the characters are filmed in a way where no one is better, like in home alone they siblings are always fighting because they think they are the better ones.
Sound: in a comedy sound is important in the comedy genre
Diegetic sound needs to be clear and it needs to be clear so the audience can understand what it says and thats the same with the dialogue.
Non diegetic sound is also important because edited sound can be used to emphasis on certain scenes.
In home alone sound at the start does not match what is happening at the start(pleonastic sound), making the audience laugh and the film staying with he genre they have chosen.

The hook that attracts the audience in the opening scene of 'Se7en' is the mystery behind who is writing/creating the book that is being shown throughout the opening credits and what it is all about. The convention this is portrayed by this is technical.
The film opening sets the scene by showing it is in America. We can see this by the skyscrapers that are shown. It is also set in the present day. This is done by technical conventions.
The opening introduces characters in the written and technical conventions. One character is shown being restless and can't sleep like he has something on his mind. Another two characters are shown to have a close relationship with each other because of their body contact with each other we automatically resume that they are in a relationship/together.
The opening scene shows the genre through all the conventions, technical, written and symbolic. We can see that the genre is crime through the font that the credits are written in as it is very eary looking. 


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